Presently, the number of foreigners getting married and desiring to live in Vietnam increases daily. In order to facilitate their stay and be able to exit and enter Vietnam on a frequent basis, foreigners may apply for a Temporary Resident Card (TRC) to live in Vietnam, easily, according to specific regulations.

1. Benefits of TRCs

a) Protection of legitimate and lawful interests in the territory

b) Visa exemption when leaving with a valid TRC

c) Enter and exit Vietnam as many times as you like without having to pay for a visa

d) Stay in Vietnam for the duration of your temporary residence card without having to extend your visa

e) Purchase an apartment and soon “may” be able to buy a house in Vietnam

f) Conveniently conduct business, get married, and more in Vietnam

2. TRC Designations

TT – Issued to foreigners that are spouses or children under 18 years of age of foreigners possessing a TRC with the designations of LV1, LV2, LS, DT1, DT2, DT3, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LD1 or LD2 visas or foreigners that are parents, spouses, or children of Vietnamese citizens

3. Conditions for the issuing TRCs

4. TRC Application Document Requirements

A notarized copy of the certificate of marriage registration in Vietnam or a copy of the consular legalization of the marriage note in Vietnam for marriages registered abroad;

Application form for issuance of the TRC (NA7);

Application form for issuance of TRC for foreigners (NA8);

Passport and original visa (passport MUST BE valid for at least 13 months and an appropriate visa for entering Vietnam);

Notarized copy of the Vietnamese spouses household registration book;

Certified photo copy of ID card;

Four photos, sized 2×3;

Marriage registration certificate (if issued in a foreign country, consular legalized, notarized, and then translated);

Confirmation of temporary residence from the appropriate ward police.

5. Fees for issuing TRCs

Government established fees for the issuing Temporary Resident Cards (TRCs)

Fees vary depending on…

  • Location – where you live
  • Duration of your temporary stay in Vietnam
  • Duration of time required to obtain a temporary residence card

Obtaining a Temporary Resident Card (TRC) may be challenging and we are available to help. Please contact us at +84 916-545-618  or by email at and your convenience and we will do our very best to ease the process.